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Hospital transfers


Figure 4.8: (a) Map of all the hospitals from the dataset in the continental area of the USA. The color indicates ∆tσmax. Size reflects the average number of infected hospitals at ∆t= ∆tσmax. (The separation in colors is 0 to 92 days, 92 to 99 days, 99 to 106 days, 106 to 113 days, 113 to 120 days, 120 to 127 days, 127 to 134 days, 134 to 148 days, 148 to 200 days and more than 200 days.) (b) Average number Ninf and (c) standard deviation σ(Ninf) of infected hospitals after ∆t simulation steps. In the figure the graphs for 200 different hospitals are shown in grey and the average values aggregating the data from all the hospitals in red.

(d) Frequency plot of ∆tσmax in the hospital population. (e) Plot of the number of Hospitals infected after 600 days as a function of the characteristic spreading time of each hospitals. Hospitals peaking earlier in time spread to more hospitals on the long run.

74 CHAPTER 4. HOSPITAL TRANSFERS periodic component of the data, which is the weekly cycle. Those hospitals with a small characteristic time will be the most dangerous ones, as they are the ones which can spread a disease more efficiently.

To check the spatial distribution of the characteristic times in Fig.4.8(a) we plot the hospitals with different colors for different groupings of characteristic times.

The red ones are the ones which spread the disease faster and the white ones slower. We can check that the characteristic times are not randomly distributed among the hospitals. They tend to aggregate thus forming a cluster in Florida and condensing in the east half of the USA and around big cities. Notable exceptions are Las Vegas and Phoenix.

4.4.3 Single hospitals vulnerability

In order to asses the vulnerability of single hospitals we use a modified version of the dynamics in the previous section. Namely we start the simulation with every hospital as seed for a different disease and let the system evolve for a certain numberτ of consecutive days. Then we count how many different diseases each hospital has,Nseeds, as a function of τ. We plot the average numberNseedsand the standard deviation of those values. The standard deviation shows a peak at the time when most infections aggregate at the central hospital we are looking at.

We extract this characteristic time for each hospital and the number of infections it received on average after 600 days. With this we check the spatial distributions of the times and asymptotic values of different infections by plotting a map with colors coding for the time and size for the asymptotic value of infections.

4.5 Discussion

We have shown the characteristics of the hospital system of US, such as temporal, topological and geographical. On the temporal dimension and only looking at a global scale, seasonal and weekly oscillations are observed. We find that weekends display the least activity, while mondays are the most busy and variable days.

Once we extract the transfers of patients in the system we observe that on the topological and geographycal dimension, despite the heterogeneity of the network, 90% of transfers occur within 200kmfrom the origin hospital. This endows the system with a strong geographical component.

We have also shown that the transfer network is correlated with the appear-ance of a certain kind of nosocomial infections, namely C.diff. This correlation motivates the study of the transfer network as a proxy for the spreading of infec-tions. Thus we turn to investigate spreading processes on the transfer network.

We do so by extracting the characteristics of the fastest spreading process that


Figure 4.9: (a) Map of all the hospitals from the dataset in the continental area of the USA. The color indicates ∆τσmax. Size reflects the average number of different infections that the hospital gets afterτ= 600 days. (The separation in colors is 0 to 99 days, 99 to 106 days, 106 to 113 days, 113 to 120 days, 120 to 138 days, 138 to 200 days, 200 to 300 days and more than 300 days.) (b) Average number Nseeds and (c) standard deviation σ(Nseeds) of the number of different infections after ∆t simulation steps. In the figure the graphs for 200 different hospitals are shown in grey and the average values aggregating the data from all the hospitals in red. (d) Frequency plot of ∆tσmax in the hospital population.

(e) Plot of the number infections aquired after 600 days as a function of the characteristic vulnerability time of each hospitals. Hospitals peaking earlier in time get infected from more hospitals on the long run.

76 CHAPTER 4. HOSPITAL TRANSFERS could ever happen, what we call the light cone of spreading processes. This pro-cess is especially interesting because, on the one side it models the most infectious disease ever and on the other side sets the boundaries for any other spreading process. We show that this process runs differently on the aggregated network and on the temporal network of transfers. The temporal network is slower in the spreading process on average, but comes with more uncertainty, as burst of ac-tivity could reinforce the spreading, while the most common is to find a “resting”

period. With the use of this spreading process we extract characteristic times for each hospital, both for spreading capability and vulnerability. We believe this kind of cheap measures (it only relies on the medical claims for stays in hospi-tals) can be very informative to healthcare policy makers. This kind of study can serve devising proper strategies for a system-wide containment of an ongoing epidemics.

Chapter 5

Modeling voting behavior:

social influence and