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The 'Jews from Halab' and


P. E.A.C.E., which stands for the Prevention of the Emergence of Another Arab Country in Eretz Israel, was created in 1980 by Sharon

III. The 'Jews from Halab' and

the Temple Mount plot

A Thursday night in April 1984 in New York City, after hours. Behind

double-locked doors in an office in the heart of New York's diamond district, Robert Jacobs, a high-level money mover and funder of Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League, calls the meeting to order.

Present are a number of long-time supporters of Israeli Industry and Trade Minister Ariel Sharon. They include:

Sam Koorman, director of Oncology at Brooklyn's Kingsbrook Hos

pital; he is a close associate of Uri Dan, Sharon's aide and Meyer Lansky's

authorized biographer;

Alex Friedman, owner of the Arista Co., a pearl and diamond business a couple of blocks away, and the organizer of Sharon's most recent speaking tour of the northeastern United States;

Rachel Katsman, the Jerusalem-based editor of the newspaper of the Gush Emunim sect, 27 of whose members have just been arrested for bomb attacks on Arab mayors on the West Bank, including Faoud Karami, the former mayor of Nablus, at the time representing an Arab family in a land fraud suit. They were also plotting to blow up the third most holy site in Islam, the Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount in Jerusalem;

Avigdor Eskin, Soviet Jewish "emigré," founder of "the first JDL chap ter in the Soviet Union," and translator of Kahane's works into Russian;

he is the son of a GRU (military intelligence) colonel, and in the

evaluation of Western intelligence agencies, is an important KGB op

erative, despite his relative youth.

A handful of others are also in attendance, all involved in land deals on the West Bank, Jewish philanthropies, etc.

Jacobs announces that there are two items on the agenda:

1) Raising funds for the defense of 27 terrorists, most from Gush Emunim, the largest portion from Eskin's Kiryat Arba settlement;

2) Building a "New Right" coalition spanning Israel and the United States, as a vehicle to bring Ariel Sharon to power in Israel.

Jan. 8, 1986, in Jerusalem. A delegation of Israeli Knesset members enters the almost entirely Muslim Old City. They stride toward the Temple Mount. The delegation is led by Interior Committee Chairman Dov Schilansky, an old Irgun terrorist. It includes Tehiya (Renaissance)


party fanatics Geula Cohen and Yuval Ne'eman. In their delegation is Gershon Solomon, leader of a cult, "The Faithful of the Temple Mount."

Nervously, the Islamic guards await their approach, well aware of the history of provocations and violence associated with the oncoming party.

As the Israelis insist on bringing cameras into the site, forbidden by joint agreements, a fist-fight breaks out. The guards, panicked, signal for help.

The loudspeakers on the Mount blare out, "Jews are on Haram al Sharif.

After them!" Arab shopowners and worshippers pour through the crowded alleys of the Old City, to stop the desecration of their shrine. Finally, tear gas disperses the crowd, and the Knesset members are taken off by

van, under police escort.

The following day, with tensions still high, Ariel Sharon, accompanied

by a heavily armed guard, makes a "tour" of the site, expressing his full support for the fanatics of the day before, his political associates.

The plot The two events cited above are part of a plot. The plot's immediate

purpose is to ignite the flames of Holy War in the Middle East. The

trigger is to be the attempt to blow up the Islamic holy site at the Dome

of the Rock, and substitute in its place, atop Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a rebuilt "Solomon's Temple." A principal feature of the plot is the elimination of all vestiges of U.S. influence in the Middle East. Included features are the destruction of moderate Arab states, including the na tionalist wing of the PLO led by Yassir Arafat, and the transformation of Israel into a New Venice, ruled by a theocratic caste on behalf of organized-crime, i.e., the Trust allies of the Soviet Union.

The participants in the plot, at the ground level, are for the most part united in a U.S.-based entity, the American Jerusalem Temple Foun dation (AJTF), and an associated group in Jerusalem, the Ateret Cohanim

("Priestly Crown") Yeshiva. The AJTF group includes some of the leading

names in American Christian fundamentalism, and counts among its

collaborators some of the leading figures in Israel, in particular, those

grouped around Sharon.

Though many elements of their visions coincide, the two strains, Christian fundamentalist and mystical-Zionist, each have their own views of what will transpire in terms of Eretz Israel as their plot comes to fruition. Their ideas were recounted to EIR's investigators in face-to-face meetings and phone discussions often lasting late into the night.

Weaving through the plot are various lodges and personnel of inter national Freemasonry, which, after all, is constituted entirely around a belief in their "spiritual descent" from the "original masons" who con structed Solomon's Temple, a Temple understood as dedicated to Mithra, the "God of Light," the Sun God. Real Christians know him as Lucifer.

The Christian fundamentalist vision

The Christian fundamentalist "vision," as recounted by AJTF Vice-Pres ident Douglas Krieger, begins with the 19th-century preachings of An glican clergyman John Nelson Darby. Darby was an operative of the Swiss grain cartel family, the Andrés, and the elite lodges of British Freemasonry

intersecting the hierarchy of the Anglican Church. Darby preached a form of Gnosticism-"secret knowledge"-known as dispensational

premillenarianism, according to which the rise of Israel in the modern

period to its presumed levels of Biblical glory, will be the event which ushers in the Apocalypse, the second coming of the Messiah, and the


According to Darby, deployed to inject this irrationalism into America,

EIR Special Report

building support for the Zionism project of British imperial interests at

the time, the re-establishment of the Biblical state of Israel will be the herald of the final battle on the plains of Megiddo in the Middle East:

Armageddon. Although this battle, the immediate precursor to the com ing of the Messiah, would itself be preceded by horrible famines, natural disasters, pestilence, etc., these things are to be welcomed as signs of the Second Coming, before which all believing Christians, that is, those with the knowledge Darby propagated, would be "raptured," received directly into the arms of the Lord, conveniently avoiding the famines,

Armageddon, etc.

The Gnostic vision shared by the Christian fundamentalists and mys tical Zionists, features the assumption that morality means nothing as compared to the secret knowledge of history at their command. The vision of a restored Israel, and the Second Coming, etc. are so over whelmingly important, that they must be manipulated into happening by any means necessary, including the use of terror.

This secret knowledge has produced, in the words of Krieger, a "Khom eini-type mindset" for the "fighting fundies."

Another AJTF activist, Pastor Chuck Smith, upon being asked whether it bothered him that his actions will certainly cause a holocaust in the Middle East, replied, "Frankly, no, because it is all part of Biblical prophecy."

The Jewish fundamentalist vision

On the other side of the AJTF, that of the ideological, mystical Zionists

like Yuval Ne'eman, himself a member of the apocalyptic Masada Free masonic Lodge, the beliefs are similar. They represent a strain of Judaism

originally manufactured by the Chaldean (Syrian) Magi, and reintro

duced, as cabalism, into Judaism in the 13th century, under sponsorship

of the Luzzatto family of Venice. According to this "vision," the holy blood of the Jews demands its holy soil, without which the Messiah cannot come, and the Jews cannot be redeemed. This cabalistic heresy in Judaism was at the core of the many fundamentalist, apocalyptic cults sponsored by the Venetians in Eastern Europe and the Levant, such as the infamous Sabbatai Zevi, a deployment of Venice's Jewish merchant families operating in the area.

In its modern form, this cabalistic, as opposed to pragmatic, form of

Zionism, was launched by agree ents between the leading families of Venice through their trading agents in Odessa and the Czarist Okhrana or secret police. As the Okhrana initiated the bloody pogroms of 1881

82, the Odessa Committee of Leo Pinsker and others, provided the means to ship terrified Jews to the "Holy Land." The first two aliyas were thus entirely a result of the 1881-82 and 1905 pogroms, courtesy of the Okh rana, and provided the overwhelming bulk of the manpower for the reconstituted nation of Israel. Without the Okhrana, there was no Zion ism. The agreement between Irgun-founder Vladimir Jabotinsky, scion of an Odessan grain family, and the Black Hundreds running the Okhrana, was complete: As Russian Interior Minister Plehve reported to Jabotinsky

shortly after the turn of the century, "You are preaching to a convert.

We would very much like to see the creation of an independent Jewish

state capable of absorbing several million Jews."

In the atmosphere of terror and desperation created by the Okhrana

on Jabotinsky's behalf, the mystical rantings of a Jabotinsky associate,

Rabbi A. I. Kook, flourished. In 1921, Kook, the first Rabbi of the Holy

Land, founded a yeshiva in Jerusalem dedicated to rebuilding Solomon's

Temple. It was the yeshivas of A. I. Kook, and later his son, Zvi Yehuda

Kook, which produced virutally the entire leadership of the savage Irgun and Stern Gang.

A. I. Kook's nephew, Hillel Kook, was the Irgun's weapons-procure

ment and mafia-liaison officer in New York in the 1940s. Today, the yeshiva which is training priests for the Temple, is modeled directly on Kook's 1921 yeshiva, and is run by leading students of Zvi Yehuda Kook.

The overall Temple Mount plot, pivoted on the rebuilding of Solo mon's Temple, is now extraordinarily close to fruition. The marble and cedar for the construction are already being stockpiled; a yeshiva has been in existence for several years training the high priests for the Temple;

their robes have been woven; they have already conducted animal sac rifices according to 1,800-year-old laws, in preparation for the Temple's


The leaders of the yeshiva are active duty officers of a faction of the Shabak, Israel's internal security service; the yeshiva members are all

army veterans, who travel about fully armed. The yeshiva, Ateret Co

hanim, bears letters of recommendation from some of the highest religious and political figures in the land, and boasts extensive support abroad.

The financial

complex behind it

To a great extent, the backers of this plot are also supporters of a subplot. The radicalization produced by religious tensions and outright warfare in the Middle East, to which the insane Temple scheme is already contributing, must tend to bring Ariel Sharon and his faction to un challenged power in Israel. If the object of "Jewish" and "Christian"

irrationalists is Solomon's Temple, Sharon's object is Solomon's crown.

Were the Temple Mount plot merely what it appears to be on the surface-a few "fighting fundies" like Krieger in a devil's alliance with Israeli cabalists like Ne'eman and Schilansky-traditional law-enforce ment agencies could dispense with the problem rather readily. But an extensive network of powerful financial institutions and personalities

stand behind this bloody-minded irrationalism. Nor is it a loose grouping

of disparate financial elements, as is believed by most activists in the

plot itself. Rather, it is The Trust, in particular, its Jewish component,

a coherent, far-flung financial apparatus born in the projects directed from Venice, beginning in the last quarter of the 19th century, and

organized in its modern form, in the financial activities of the "last doge

of Venice," Volpi di Misurata, and Volpi's super-agent, the Odessa-born grain-trader, Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus).

Venice utilized centuries-old trading networks under its direction, among the old Levantine Jewish families of Salonika, Greece; Aleppo, Syria;

and Odessa, Russia. Salonika was the world center of Sephardic Jewry until world War II; Aleppo was the center of the Ottoman trading routes through the Middle East to India; the Venetian-founded Black Sea port of Odessa, for 100 years, handled the enormous grain export from the rich steppes of the Ukraine, Bessarabia, etc. Venetian trading agents in these cities conducted a variety of political operations. These included

the Young Turk Revolution run from Salonika; the Balkan Wars run by Volpi personally, leading to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire; the Bolshevik Revolution, in which Parvus was the central figure; and the Zionist project, in which the Luzzatto family was preeminent, together

with their allies and relations, the Recanatis of Venice and Salonika.

Besides the Odessa-Salonika corn and wheat trade, in which the fam

ilies of Jabotinsky, Leon Trotsky, and Parvus were active, the Trust

centered on the complex of funds and banks grouped around the Banco

EIR Special Report



Milan Venice


